


Stellar jade icon




Description: 获得40种光锥

Comment: You have to summon on the Light Cones banner in order to obtain this achievement.

Time Gated: ❌

Character Locked: ❌

Missable: ❌


A reference to the sci-fi short story, "Ripples in the Dirac Sea," by American writer Geoffrey Landis. It tells the story of a time traveler repeatedly trying to escape his fated demise in a hotel fire. He is unable to do so, no matter how many times he tries. There is a quote from the story: "Someday I will return and meet my destiny. But for now, I live in the past. It's a good life, I suppose. You get used to the fact that nothing you do will ever have any effect on the world. It gives you a feeling of freedom. I've been places no one has ever been, seen things no one alive has ever seen. I've given up physics, of course. Nothing I discover could endure past that fatal night in Santa Cruz. Maybe some people would continue for the sheer joy of knowledge. For me, the point is missing." In a sense, collecting light cones (memory fragments) would be reliving the past. - Credit: Necrosyrtes In quantum physics, the Dirac equation describes the behavior of particles such as electrons. In simple terms, the Dirac equation tells us how these particles move and interact with each other. It takes into account both their energy and their momentum, and it also describes their spin, which is an intrinsic property that determines how they behave in a magnetic field. One of the most significant aspects of the Dirac equation is that it predicts the existence of antimatter. According to the Dirac equation, for every particle described by it, there should be a corresponding antiparticle with the opposite electric charge. This prediction was later confirmed experimentally.