How to get Credits from Supports – Support Finder Tool

One overlooked source of “free” daily credits comes from the Support Character feature in Honkai: Star Rail.

How It Works

  • You receive 2k in Credits anytime a friend completes a battle with your support unit
  • Up to five 10 times a day for 20k Credits (As of V1.3 update)
  • You do not lose Credits when you use a friend’s support unit
  • You can accumulate up to 120k Credits (minimum 6 days of hoarding without claiming said credits)
  • Stages that allow the use of a friend’s support unit are: Calyxes, Stagnant Shadows, Cavern of Corrosions, Echo of War, and Ornament Extraction.

The easiest stage to Auto at any Trailblaze level, would be the Credits/EXP Calyx stages and Echo of War (Difficulty 1).

Common Misconceptions (And two correct ways)

  • Lining up 6 battles in any Calyx with a support will only count as 1 battle, resulting in 2k credits
  • Clicking the “One More Time” button does NOT reward your support with any credits
  • Clicking the “Change Team” dial does NOT reward the same support with any credits unless you tap Change Team, Tap One More Time, Dismiss Support, and reselect the same support
  • The other way to reward the same support with Credits is to hit the Exit button, then re-enter and re-select that support
  • You can use supports without spending any stamina in the Echo of War, after your 3 weekly clears. This tip is nice if you’re out of stamina, but would still like to give credits to friends.
One More Time Button, Change Team, Exit, Support Credits

Support Friend Finder Tool

Those who don’t have an Alt account to give themselves support credits, can join the StarDB.GG discord channel and grab the Support Finder role. This will give you access to the Support Finder channel where you can get paired with a random player in your Region and form a Support Contract.

The contract is a simple mutually beneficial agreement where you agree to use your assigned player’s support unit, and in exchange they’ll do the same for you.

Much of this is going to be based on an honor system, but you can tell pretty quickly if one person is not keeping up with their part of the agreement.

The Support Contract Discord bot tool is now live on the discord server, and automates the pairing process.

lootbar discount